Old world portals!

I am working out the details for some mods that will let us have portals to the old worlds. This will give everyone access to all the old stuff that we have built. I am still trying to find a way to prevent resources from being transported though so it won’t go live for a bit longer. Check back here, and on twitter, for updates.


Update: Got the old world portal in place. You can now access the world from before the last minecraft night called Yabrinine. Just walk through the glass portal near the main base and you will be teleported instantly to the old world. Inventory and experience are separate per world, as are the nether and end.



The Dynamic Map Is Working!

That’s right everyone, the dynamic map is setup and working thanks to the help of Titan8080. Please check out the maps by clicking the links in the navigation at the top of the page.


Welcome friends!

Welcome to the website dedicated to the Bukkit Minecraft server. Here you can find all the information on the server, including the maps, statistics and anything else we can come up with.



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